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Product Description: fevers, colds, headaches, aches in the body and pain of the bones in the cold. to Use: One sachet every 3 hours to brew in boiling water for 1 glass. Leave for 10 minutes. Ingredients: Zingiber officinale , Coriandrum sativum , Mollugo cerviana , Coscinium fenestratum ,...
$0.38 $0.23
You save: $0.15
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Description Of Product Supirivicky is made from herbal ingredients has a healing and restorative effects on gums, teeth, throat and tongue. Supirivicky helps to control the formation of cavities and tooth discoloration. It also reduces the formation of Tartar. No artificial sweeteners,...
$6.14 $5.08
You save: $1.06
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